Small systems used in industrial applications are those with typically fewer than 8-12 people. They generally have 3-6 analog phone lines but since analog lines will soon be phased out, I might be wise to invest in a system that supports SIP Trunking since SIP appears to be here to stay and is less expensive to operate. There are 3 systems in this Small Industrial category. They are:
1. The KX-TA824- an "entry level" product that uses analog outside lines and analog extensions;
2. The KX-TDA50G - a "midpoint" product capable of supporting analog outside lines and analog or digital extensions. SIP Trunking and Network Phones can be added but is only recommended unless you already have a KX-TDA50 and want to add VoIP.
3. The KX-NCP500 - a world-class communications system capable of supporting most universally accepted central office lines (analog, digital and sip). You may mix extension technologies that include 2-wire digital, network, 4-wire proprietary analog, 2-wire single line analog, sip endpoints, sip apps and wireless.
Automated-Attendant and Voice Mail may be added to any of these systems.